Tuesday, 29 July 2014


so today in class, our lecturer asked to watch a video about Graphic Facilitation and the 7 elements used in drawings :)

the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5DJC6LaOCI

later on, we were to produce a rapid visualisation of the video and the 7 elements we learnt. :D

lecturer's comment: nice ;) *simple as that* 


for this assignment we were to reflect back on what we learnt in our History class and come out with another sketch using Rapid Visualisation. since in history class, we learnt the Colonial Architecture the sketch is all about it with simplified details :)

have a look :D

the lecturer's comment: to use the empty spaces, to add more characteristics of the subject matters. 


here again we continue to focus on the Rapid Visualisation. but this time with FOOD! ;) we were to sketch out HOW TO COOK OUR FAV FOOD! :D using thumbnails, arrows, keywords and value.

This is my style of cooking Tomato tuna rice ;) 

the lecturer's comment: to improve layout composition, text to highlight title, reduce txt and only show keywords.


the second task for us was to produce a rapid visualisation of the animal we chose for our design study. and because i chose the elephant, i had a LOT TO COVER! since the elephant is so big and has so much characteristics :D

anyhoo, we were to use THUMBNAILS, ARROWS, KEYWORDS and VALUE of the drawing. have a look at what i came out with :D

heres my rapid sketch of the ELEPHANT :)

the lecturer's comment: good job and to use a smoother paper. :)


so we meet again! :D

Well, this is a whole new semester and all new tasks and challenges!
and to begin with, lets start with my Visual Communication Class first assignment. :)

to sketch out using visual aids on how we see ourselves :)

We had to come out with a very quick visual sketch of how we see ourselves or how others see us within 30 mins. minimum words but with more drawings :) i love doodling things, so i had a pretty fun time doing it :) and In sha Allah it turned out great :D